Stamp Out Hunger

United Way will once again partner with the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) on its national food drive, Stamp Out Hunger, on May 11, 2024. It is our privilege to join organized labor, an invaluable partner in United Way’s broader mission to improve the health, education, and economic mobility of every person in every community we serve.

Last year, the Stamp Out Hunger food drive collected over 40.3 million pounds of food in one day for people in need across America, including those living in poverty and those who walk a financial tightrope despite working one or more jobs. The passion and hard work of U.S. United Ways and the Stamp Out Hunger volunteers make a tangible difference in the lives of so many individuals and families.

United Way Worldwide has been a partner in Stamp Out Hunger since 1994. The simplicity and efficiency of the drive are what makes it work. Next week, NALC will start promoting the food drive via co-branded postcards and bags delivered to mailboxes, as well as video, social media, radio and print advertising and more. And on the second Saturday, May 11, postal carriers will pick up the bags of food along with their mail pickup and delivery.

Addressing food insecurity is a complex issue that requires a variety of dedicated partners, like United Way, U.S. Postal Service, AFL-CIO, United Food and Commercial Workers, Kellanova (formerly Kellogg’s), Vericast, CVS Health, and the National Rural Letter Carriers Association. Hundreds of United Way-supported food agencies across the country are recipients of the Stamp Out Hunger donations, helping us meet vital community needs.