Agency Portal Log In Page


All applicants are required to have or create an account to complete and submit your application.  Keep your user name and password handy so that you can "save a draft" and return to complete your submission (note: you must click 'save draft' at the bottom of the page in order to save; the form will not 'auto-save').  Also this user name and password will continue to be used for agency reporting and future applications.

  • LOGIN HERE (If you already have a user name and password)
  • CREATE AN ACCOUNT (New users only - an email will be sent to you, please check spam folder if email is not in your primary inbox)
  • RESET YOUR PASSWORD (if your email has been used previously, you can reset your password - an email will be sent to you, please check spam folder if email is not in your primary inbox)
  • LOGOUT (Be sure to log out once you have saved your draft or submitted your application)

Incomplete applications will not be accepted.  Do not leave any blanks; enter N/A if not applicable.