Personal Testimonies

Petty Third Class Private Barker of the Central Iowa Sea Cadets

Dave & Judy Adland

Big Brothers Big Sisters:

"The Big Brothers Big Sisters program has helped me to obtain a lifelong mentor.  I've known my Big since I was in first grade. When I was younger, she helped me experience things that I otherwise might not have been able to. As I got older, she encouraged me to join and continue doing school activities and now that I am a senior she is encouraging me to go to college.  She has offered to take me on college visits. She stepped in whenever and however she could. This not only helped me through difficult times with family but she also offered support to my mother as well. Even though my mother and I are close it is extremely beneficial to my well being to have another adult I can talk to and get support from."  Diana E.

Mid-Iowa Recovery Triumph Center:

"Mid-Iowa Recovery Triumph Center is an amazing place full of people that come from all different backgrounds, situations, families, and struggles, yet they manage to remain welcoming, kind, genuine, and supportive. No matter who all is there or how many people are present, the environment continues to feel welcoming and safe for anyone who comes to their doors. Sharon and her Peer Support Specialists are amazing and not only has a way of making everybody feel welcome but is extremely resourceful when it comes to getting anyone the necessities they need to face life head on. Their peer to peer support system keeps things comfortable while showing that their is always someone willing to listen, someone that can relate to whatever is going on in your life, and that no matter what is happening in your life, you are never alone. I can't say enough about how great this place is. It fully deserves the support and attention from our community. We are always stronger together!" DaVeena

House of Compassion:

"A family moved to Marshalltown and we saw them on the sidewalk pushing their (15 yr old) daughter in a dilapidated baby stroller which was far too small for her.  (The daughter has very severe health needs and cannot walk).  We invited them into the office and discussed their situation and their needs.  The funds we received from United Way allowed us to not only assist their familial needs, but also purchase an adult-sized wheelchair for the young lady.  UW played a major role in enhancing their situation and their dignity." Chad Hammar

Al Éxito:

"Helped change my mindset about college and what I want to do." - Jesse C.

"Know and see opportunities available here in Marshalltown." Natalie states she is very grateful for the support of United Way. -  Natalie A.

"Helped with my mindset. I want to make sure everyone shares and their ideas and uses their voice to speak out in Al Éxito. With the help of our funders we are going to make change in our community and work hard...." - Deanna H.

"Definitely helped me with thinking on how we can make a change. It challenges me to think beyond what I want because I know I don't have all the answers and Al Éxito really pushes me to think long and hard about it. I would like United Way to know that we really appreciate that they've opened up a safe space for kids to let them know that you shouldn't be ashamed of your culture and instead embrace it to the fullest." - Esmeralda G.

"Changed the way of seeing my future." - Naydelin R.

"Helped me meet more people. I really like Al Éxito and that it helps people." - Lynette M.

Alumni Spotlight: Andres Lomeli Cervantes, Marshalltown Movimiento, Al Éxito Marshalltown Middle School Facilitator, Mary E Campos Scholarship Recipient, University of Northern Iowa, Graduating 2026, Social Work Major, Minor in Mental Health. Andres's college years have been marked by active involvement and leadership in various organizations. He currently holds the position of Director of Administration for UNIdos, supports the Office of Admissions, and is a member of the Student Social Work Association and the National Association of Social Work Iowa Chapter. In addition to his college involvement, Andres remains an active member of his community through the Refugee and Immigrant Youth Organization in Waterloo and serves as the summer intern for Al Éxito!

YSS of Marshall County:

"With his stability and dedication to making his life better than it had been he continued to work on himself. Recently he transferred from the Transitional Living Program to the Rapid Re-Housing program. In the Rapid Re-Housing, he was able to find an apartment and sign a lease. The Rapid Re-Housing program helped him with rent and deposit. He will continue to get case management and help with rent for the next year." - Transitional Housing Program

Iowa River Hospice:

"My father got the best care at hospice. My brothers and myself felt cared for also. Thank you!" - Anonymous

"There is support for you in the Grief Support System at Iowa  River Hospice... Your loved one does not need to have been in their service prior to their death. Their social workers are trained to support you through your grief process when you are ready whether it be six weeks or later. At the support meeting you share confidentially as you are comfortable, and those in attendance will share too as you learn from each other.  You are NOT ALONE" - Joann N.

"There are no words to express how much the care, compassion and expertise of the hospice staff brought peace to our family. We were blessed to have this hospice" - Anonymous

"Our journey with Iowa River Hospice: On Friday February 23rd the Mary Greeley Medical center in Ames shared with us that there wasn’t much more they could do for my father. They did not know how long this next chapter would be.  We began making plans for him to go home.  That night Maddie and Quinton asked if they could be married while grandpa was still able to be a part of their special day. (Their original wedding date is Sept. 21st, 2024). We began making plans for a small family wedding in the next couple of weeks. On Monday plans changed quickly as we were told that dad would be moved to hospice care that day. Maddie and Quinton asked if they could still get married that night. The only  hang up in this plan was obtaining a marriage license. Paula, Quinton’s mom, left work and began helping them make this happen.  (in Iowa there is a 48 hour waiting period for a marriage license unless you go before a judge and prove extenuating circumstances.) They found a judge that would be sitting from 2-4:00 that day in Des Moines. The amazing staff at Iowa River Hospice learned that Maddie and Quinton wanted to be married that evening at the  Hospice house. They went into action trying to make it  a special day for them. That evening Grandpa married Maddie and Quinton in his room at Iowa River Hospice with family and friends filling the room.  After the ceremony they cut the wedding cake, had a toast and shared a dinner of sandwich wraps and chips with family. All of this was pulled together in a couple of hours by the staff at Iowa River Hospice. The rest of the evening was spent enjoying time with grandpa. He told everyone goodbye later that night.  The following morning he passed away with those same family and friends surrounding him.  Even though we were only at the Iowa River Hospice house for a very short time they truly made a lasting impact on our family.  No request was too big( wedding) or too small( tissues) for them to make happen. They helped make a time that is difficult for any family to have some joyful moments to remember. We are thankful for everything they did for our family. They made my dad’s last memories some of his best as he was able to not only be there for his first grandchild to get married but also be the one to marry them."

Hospice Wedding 2024